Sunday, December 15, 2019

Week of December 9

We had such a fun filled week, check out all our activities and make sure to speak with your kinder about all the fun ☺️
Students began the week by listening to the story of the gingerbread man and sharing their favourite part of the story. First students drew a detailed picture, then labeled their drawing using their understanding of letter and letter sounds to stretch out the word and write, last they coloured (remembering to stay in the lines).  Below are a few examples:

During center time students had an opportunity to play at the bakery and gingerbread building center, rolling out and decorating their cookies. 

On Wednesday we read and brainstorm different ways to be kind during the holiday season.  Students drew and coloured these beautiful light bulbs with different acts of kindness for example: giving my mommy and daddy a hug, cleaning up with a friend or sharing with others at center time.  We then ‘lit up our classroom with kindness’ by hanging these beautiful lights up to remind us of how to be kind!!

We ended the week with painting these adorable polar bears with snowflakes!

Please remember next week is school spirt week ☺️ We will start the week with wearing either red or green or BOTH! Since red is my favourite I’m sure you can guess what I will wear!