Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Week of January 20

Learning to Read

This week students have been practicing their reading skills in preparation for our very first set of 'Home Reading Books' that will come home with students on Thursday!  

We have been focusing on some key sight words throughout the month which include "The, is,  I, see".  Students have had an opportunity to read these sight words in our morning messages as well as our companion book to "The Mitten" called, 'I See Winter Animals'.  This book came home with our students to help them transition and get excited for our Home Reading program!  

Please take time out to listen to them read.  Kindergartens have been practicing very hard to be good readers :)

Good readers do many things to help them be successful. For example, when reading they use their fingers to point and read each word carefully and when coming across a new word good readers match the first letter sound to the picture and try to make sense of the word!